Its common in our family, (and even if it weren't, I would want it) for parents, and grandparents to get bouteneers and corsages to wear at the wedding. I also wanted to honor my Brothers, 2 of which will be "giving me away" and my brothers' wives & gfs, since they are like sisters to me.
In addition to including them in the processional, they get corsages.
My Craft Fairies made the following:
My Craft Fairies made the following:
For the Brothers:
For the dads, and grandma's long time boyfriend:
For the Sisters-in-laws:
For the RBs and Jr. Ushers:
For the Officiant:
I forgot to take a picture, but its a silver rose with blue accent. His tux is black with silver bowtie and vest.It may not be standard to include the officiant in the bouteneer wearing group, but he is an long time friend of Mikeys, and would have been a groomsman choice if he wasnt ordained.
Still to come: Groomsmen, Bridesman, Groom, Moms, Grandmas, Train carriers.
it is difficult to decide exactly how to breakdown the cost, because the bouquets, bouteneers, corsages and other items are all being made with the same supplies. After all silk floral was purchased however i spent maybe $60. I will get Bouquets for 3 bridesmaids, 1 bride, 1 MOH, and 1 to throw. PLUS bouteneers for: 3 dads, 3 brothers, 1 bridesman, 4 groomsmen, 2 ringbearers, 2 jr ushers, 1 officiant. Corsages for 2 moms, 2 grandmas, 3 sister in laws, 2 train carriers, and it looks like i will have bunches of leftovers. So you do the math.
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