My favorite part of the bouquet is the initial charms on each one. (this pic has an L) When I saw other bouquets with initial charms, or beads, or whatever, I thought if I could get each letter for like $1, it would be worth it. On our Preweddingmoon in Las Vegas, we went downtown to a super cheap souvenier shop and found these slide on charms for $0.50 each + stupid tax. I hadnt decided exactly who my bridesmaids would be at that time, but got some extra letter options for the undecided girls.
After deciding on my girls though, I found that I needed another L so my darling aunt, who works in retail, looked online and found me Dog Colllar Slide Charms that look the same as the ones I had already got. They offer your choice of 6 for 5.99 + 1.41 shipping. Because I had extra letters, I opted to add a letter charm to each of my sister in law's coursages (they were possible bridesmaids candidates) and I also wanted a heart charm for the throw bouquet, so I am ordering 5 letters and a heart charm. The extra letters will be for my Traincarrier corsages, and my brother's girlfriend, since she is like a sister-in-law also.
In the end I was very happy with the little charm letters better than taking apart a keychain (original idea), the slide charms were easy to add to the ribbon wrapped around the bouquets and the size fits the bouquet very well, anything larger would have looked out of place.
We have yet to make mine or the MOH bouquet's, they will be a little fancier than the one above. Mine will have both a star charm and a C.
Funny story, when my Craft Fairies were helping me with the bouquets, bouts and coursages, my darling fiance balked at the idea that all the girls got bouquets, we all insisted that theyre supposed to have them. He insisted that every wedding hes been in(8) and to(countless), the bridesmaids didnt have bouquets, only the bride. how crazy is that? after a quick FB poll, everyone replied that theyve never seen weddings without bridesmaid bouquets.
it is difficult to decide exactly how to breakdown the cost, because the bouquets, bouteneers, corsages and other items are all being made with the same supplies. After all silk floral was purchased however I spent maybe $60. I will get Bouquets for 3 bridesmaids, 1 bride, 1 MOH, and 1 to throw. PLUS bouteneers for: 3 dads, 3 brothers, 1 bridesman, 4 groomsmen, 2 ringbearers, 2 jr ushers and 1 officiant. Corsages for 2 moms, 2 grandmas, 3 sister in laws, 2 train carriers, and it looks like I will have bunches of leftovers. So you do the math.
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